Field Projects
Below are a selection of conservation and research projects involving gibbons and siamangs in range countries.
Cao Vit gibbon
Zoological Society of London Hainan gibbon: Monitoring small remaining population, forest protection and enhancement of forest connectivity.
People Resources and Conservation Foundation Cao Vit gibbon: Habitat restoration and management, capacity building, and community consultation to support conservation.
Flora and Fauna International Cao Vit gibbon: Partnering with local communities to set up community-based patrol groups, establish protected areas for key gibbon habitat, and reduce threats in surrounding buffer zones.
Wildlife Alliance Pileated gibbon: Rescue, rehabilitation, and release of pileated gibbons.
Gibbon Rehabilitation Project Lar gibbon: Rescue, rehabilitation, and reintroduction of gibbons who are confiscated from the pet trade and tourist industry.
Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand Lar gibbon: Rescue, rehabilitation, reintroduction of gibbons formerly kept as pets.
People Resources and Conservation Foundation Lar gibbon: Training local people for gibbon research, facilitating land-use planning initiatives that encourage sustainable use of land resources and the protection of high value forests and conservation areas, documenting oral cultural traditions as they relate to conservation.
Wildlife Conservation Society Hoolock gibbon: Surveying gibbon population densities and developing long-term monitoring plan, conducting threats assessment, promoting education programs for local people, implementing effective law enforcement.
People Resources and Conservation Foundation Hoolock gibbon: Conducting national survey, establishing community conservation groups to build capacity for habitat protection, connecting cultural artists to markets to improve livelihoods of local people.
Flora and Fauna International Hoolock gibbon: Conducted nation-wide survey. Supporting indigenous people to develop community forestry and agroforestry as alternatives to shifting cultivation. This project has supported six villages in piloting alternative agriculture systems, agroforestry and community forestry projects.
Kalaweit Siamang, Agile Gibbon, Lar Gibbon, Kloss Gibbon, Javan Gibbon: Rescue and rehabilitation of gibbons formerly kept as pets, protection of wild gibbon habitat.
Borneo Nature Foundation Bornean white-bearded gibbon: Multiple years of continuous data collection on social behavior, diet and food availability, effects of anthropogenic disturbance and conservation measures. Making comparisons with sympatric orangutans and red langur monkeys.
Gunung Palung Bornean white-bearded gibbon: Investigating causes and consequences of habitat quality variation on gibbons and leaf monkeys.
Silvery Gibbon Project Javan gibbon: Rescue, rehabilitation, and reintroduction of gibbons formerly kept as pets, wildlife protection units, education and community development.
Javan Gibbon Center Javan gibbon: Rescue, rehabilitation, reintroduction of gibbons formerly kept as pets.